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Friday, September 30, 2011

White Lotus Memories

I've got White Lotus on the mind. I cheerfully reminisce with people who've done their training there, I have a student ask me about my time there, I run across photos of the beautiful landscape and I'm drawn again to my yoga teacher training.... and I want to go back. I want to go to deepening your practice, the therapeutic yoga training program, thai massage training, and I want to go back for weekend retreats. Here are some photos from my time there:

my friend Cara in scorpion
gurus <3
lovely sitting area overlooking a cliff
cool water to swim in
kirtan night
ganesha rock
our yurt! yurt #7
my friend Mike in the cuzzi overlooking the moutainside

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine it would be difficult NOT to reminisce about a place like that! Maybe you'll be back again one day?
